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Karen Read Standout: Thousands of people all across the world came out in support is justice for John Okeefe and Karen Read on Monday. This will go down in history as one of the greatest social movements of our time. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-396-thousands-across-country-stage-peaceful-protests-in-support-of-free-karen-read/

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Bryan Kohberger true crime

Kevin Albert got drunk and left his gun and badge in Michael Proctor's police car, and inserted himself into a murder case involving his family that Canton Police was conflicted out of. For that he was rewarded with a 3 month paid summer vacation. Helena Rafferty might be the most useless, corrupt hack to ever become Chief of Police:

Turtleclub Friday this week

Just a reminder that turtle club is being moved until tomorrow night at 10 because I will be in Taunton today for a political event. I was asked to speak at a fundraiser for state Senate candidate Kelly Dooner. Back at it tomorrow!

Karen Read Case: I have no idea if the SJC will overrule Auntie Bev's denial of the motion to dismiss, but the motion filed by Attorney Weinberg is very good.

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