Michael Proctor's family issued the most tone deaf press release in the history of mankind after he was fired today, surpassing their press release from a few days go. He should've just resigned and avoided this, but he's too much of a narcissist to do that:
WCVB's interview with Courtney and Elizabeth Proctor is one of the most disgraceful attempts at journalism I have ever seen. @BienickWCVB's pathetic line of questioning showed the world why these two enabling frauds called them over every other news network: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-493-wcvb-reporter-david-bienick-conducts-worst-interview-ever-with-elizabeth-and-courtney-proctor/
Hank Brennan knows that the only way for him to lynch Karen Read is to prevent her from bringing forth witnesses that will prove she's innocent. He has tried and failed to prevent every expert witness from testifying, and is freaking out now that she's brought on a 20 year FBI agent and the Mona Lisa Vito of dog bites: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-491-hank-brennan-is-afraid-to-let-karen-read-jury-hear-from-dog-bite-expert-garrett-wing-fbi-agent-mike-easter-about-john-okeefes-injuries-and-lack-of-proper-investigation/
Terry Meurer approached me about being in her Karen Read documentary multiple times and I rejected her. Now she's telling reporters that she didn't wanna be associated with me due to my witness intimidation charges. This woman was given behind the scenes access to Read's team and fully believed in her innocence. Then she got upset with Read when the jury hung because it wasn't the end she wanted. Now she's flipping on her due to all of this and this documentary is gonna be McAlbert propaganda. She interviewed Plevin and Coffindoofus, which tells you everything you need to know about her. She also had the audacity to accuse YouTubers of profiting off this case, while she is likely making 6 or 7 figures off of this hit piece: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-490-documentary-producer-terry-meurer-doing-hit-piece-on-karen-read-because-turtleboy-rejected-her-lied-to-hollywood-reporter/