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State Trooper Terence Kent was indicted for extorting a BJ from a guy in exchange for not towing his car due to an expired registration. His wife Kacy is a nurse and a relative of the O'Keefe's who trashes Karen Read regularly online and cites her husband in doing so. Of all the lawyers in the world, he chose David Yannetti to represent him. Wild. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-488-state-trooper-charged-with-bribing-man-with-sex-in-exchange-for-not-towing-car-is-married-to-okeefe-family-member-who-hates-karen-read-represented-by-david-yannetti/

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Bryan Kohberger true crime

Hank Brennan has no intention of calling me as a witness, because he knows how badly that would go for him. He is intentionally putting me on the list, knowing he's not going to call me, in order to prevent me from attending the trial, watching the trial online, and making a living by doing my shows and writing stories about the trial. He's not calling Allie McCabe or Nicholas Barros either, because they were both DISASTERS for him last time. I sure hope the defense will though: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-489-hank-brennan-adds-turtleboy-to-witness-list-no-longer-calling-allie-mccabe-or-nicholas-barros/

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Elizabeth and Courtney Proctor have been making public statements defending Michael Proctor for the last 2 years. But now they're speaking out "for the first time" days after a gag order was put in place by Judge Cannone. They claimed they had something big to say, but all they did was defend Proctor's text messages, claim that Karen Read is guilty, and victimize themselves by hiding behind their children. Liz and Courtney Proctor are vicious bullies who tried to get people fired for speaking out about corruption and expressed hope that Read would k*ll herself. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-487-courtney-and-elizabeth-proctor-speak-up-again-for-the-first-time-in-defense-of-michael-proctor-claim-karen-read-is-guilty-despite-gag-order/

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Ten years ago when I first started Turtleboy I never would've imagined that I'd be featured in a profile in a publication as large and as international as The Atlantic. Chris Heath began interviewing me in May during the Karen Read trial. He followed me around with turtle riders, spent time at my house, and immersed himself fully in Turtleboy world. The story was published today, and I thought it really captured who I am and why I do what I do. It's behind a paywall, so Chris sent me a PDF for me to share, which is in this article. I'll be reading it tonight on the Live Show: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-486-turtleboy-profile-featured-in-the-atlantic-captures-the-essence-of-who-i-am-and-why-i-do-what-i-do/

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