State Police assigned to the Norfolk DA's Office charged John Jeffries, the chair of the Dover Select Board, with 3 counts of witness intimidation and 2 gun charges in early October. Because of his recklessness 2 guns are now in the hands of unknown car thieves. He attempted to use his power to intimidate the Chief (who he hired) and 2 cops from charging him, so State Police charged him with 3 counts of witness intimidation. The charges were dropped less than a month later and the DA's Office is only saying that Jeffries "reached an agreement" with the Town of Dover, and it's in the "interest of justice" not to pursue charges. Can I reach an unspecified agreement with the Town of Holden to have my charges dropped? After all, my "crimes" mostly occurred in this town while I was doing my show and writing articles. How is it in the "pursuit of justice" to drop charges against Jeffries, but not me or the rubber ducky kingpin? Apparently rubber duckies are more dangerous than guns. This is what corruption looks like:
Labor and employment attorney Victoria Brophey George has been added to the Karen Read defense team. She had her number "randomly" selected as an alternate after closing arguments, after making faces throughout Michael Proctor's testimony indicating her disgust with the Commonwealth
Andrew Klane is a crash reconstruction expert on the Commonwealth's witness list. He works at the same company as 3 of their other hand picked "experts." He's a former state trooper who oversaw the unit Trooper Paul was in, and presumably taught him everything he knows. He has been wrong on multiple crash reconstructions, including the death of an 87 year old woman who was run over by a car. He blamed her, but the woman's biomechanic son hired his own expert who determined that Klane's math was all wrong and the well connected driver was actually at fault. Of course State Police and the DA's Office refused to do anything about it. Andrew Klane isn't an expert, he's a hand picked hack who will do anything to back up the State Police narrative: