David Traub's departure as propaganda minister for Michael Morrissey makes no sense. Why would he leave this cushy job, where he gets paid to lie? https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-426-david-traub-replaced-with-attleboro-sun-chronicle-reporter-who-covered-karen-read-case-favorably-for-commonwealth/
Lavanta Wiggins got his job as an administrator at Pittsfield High School largely because he was a BLM leader, and they wanted DEI. The whole time he was a coke trafficker and he just got busted by the feds. He also makes really cringe Tik Toks with students: https://tbdailynews.com/pittsfield-high-school-dean-arrested-by-feds-for-trafficking-cocaine-is-a-blm-organizer-posts-tik-toks-with-students/
If you missed it last night Brian Higgins broke his silence by pretending to be some sort of hoodlum named Kevin from Boston with a hybrid Boston/Alabama accent, who called into the JFK show and defended his own honor as a "decorated dude." Here's what that brief phone call tells us about him: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-456-brian-higgins-caught-pretending-to-be-kevin-in-boston-on-jfk-show-to-defend-his-honor-for-being-decorated-dude/
Predator Poacher @iFightForKids caught a 68 year old former corrections officer named Rich Busa trying to meet up with an 11 year old girl for sex. He also received sexual images of kids as young as 8. He tried talking his way out of it and name dropped Brian Albert, who he said he used to work with https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-455-former-corrections-officer-caught-trying-to-have-sex-with-11-year-old-says-he-used-to-work-with-brian-albert/