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If you missed last night's show I have a breakdown of the latest edition of the Bederow Letters, showing how Krusty Panties conspired with and lied to the Fake Victim, Paul O'Keefe, Brian Tully, Ken Mello, and others to have me charged with witness intimidation, wiretapping, and violating a restraining order. The cell phone data extraction from Fake Victim reveals that Krusty Panties was the driving force behind the entire thing. I went to jail for 60 days because of this: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-419-phone-extraction-reveals-state-police-and-special-prosecutor-conspired-with-kate-peter-to-set-up-witness-intimidation-charges-against-turtleboy-deleted-evidence-incriminating/

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Adam Lally knew when he filed a motion on May 10 to keep me out of the Karen Read trial courtroom that a grand jury led by Ken Mello and Brian Tully had FAILED to indict Read on conspiracy to commit witness intimidation charges. Yet he lied in his filings and said that her defense team had done so, and were under investigation. He KNEW this was a lie! They subpoenaed her phone records, took her phones (again), raided her house, got my bank records, went through her brother and father's Lexus records, and tracked her movements in Florida, and they didn't find a SINGLE piece of evidence to help them indict either of us for conspiracy. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-420-adam-lally-knew-grand-jury-failed-to-indict-karen-read-on-conspiracy-charges-with-turtleboy-before-filing-motion-to-prevent-turtleboy-from-courtroom/

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I will be unveiling round 2 of the Bederow letters, Krusty chapter, tonight at 9 PM on the Live Show. You’ll never believe what these criminal cops did, and who they aligned themselves with to frame me and send me to jail on Christmas.


I'm going to be reviewing the entire Read trial from the beginning in the months leading up to Trial 2. "I hit him" was one of the great hoaxes of all time, and the most common thing you hear from the Food Stamp 5 and other McAlbert supporters. 3 of the 10 first responders on the scene who testified said they heard it, but I believe that only one of them was lying. Here's how the story evolved over time, and why I believe that Nuttall and Flematti actually believed at one point that Karen Read said those 3 words: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-417-i-hit-him-never-happened-how-alleged-karen-read-confession-evolved-from-katie-mclaughlin-lie/

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