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Last week in discovery we received a March 27 grand jury transcript. We can't share the transcript, but can confirm that on that date Special Prosecutor Ken Mello convened a GJ and that they were asked to return indictments against Karen Read and Turtleboy for conspiracy to commit witness intimidation. The bar for probable cause is extremely low, and they just need 50% of jurors to vote to indict. Usually they return an indictment in a day or two. It's been 3 months: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-364-ken-mello-convened-grand-jury-in-march-to-indict-karen-read-and-turtleboy-on-conspiracy-charges/

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Jill Daniels and Jim Farris were both charged with assault and battery this week after a clerk magistrate finally found probable cause 3 months after they violently assaulted an award winning journalist who was attempting to eat a meal of food. The arraignment date will be October 11, exactly one year to the day and hour from when I was arrested at my kids' bus stop. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-411-magistrate-finds-probable-cause-to-charge-jill-daniels-and-jim-farris-with-assault-and-battery-on-award-winning-journalist-outside-cf-mccarthys/

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Karen Read Case: As discussed on the Live Show Tuesday, it has been alleged, and there is strong evidence backing it, that a Twitter account @DeputyManshark, which has been sending death threats to and spreading misinformation about Karen Read for months, is run by a Medford man named Steven Zabroski

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Just a reminder that Turtle Club will be tomorrow night (Friday)

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