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Robin Brides is a Middleborough healthcare professional who was a frequent posted in the Justice for John and Karen Facebook groups and an ardent Turtle Rider since at least 2018. But she had darkness in her soul, which led her to befriend Jill Daniels and join an anti-KR page run by Krusty Panties. She created fake Twitter accounts used to wish harm on children of KR and TB supporters. Lats week she accidentally doxxed herself. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-353-middleboro-healthcare-worker-robin-brides-self-doxxes-her-anonymous-twitter-account-threatening-children-joins-mcalbert-mafia-after-previously-supporting-karen-read-and-turtl/

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Bryan Kohberger true crime

Yesterday we saw on full display the difference between good cops and bad cops. It was the final nail in the coffin for the Commonwealth's case against Karen Read, which will go down as the greatest fuck up in world history: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-362-nicholas-barros-and-michael-proctors-testimony-is-final-nail-in-the-coffin-for-commonwealth-in-karen-read-trial/

Elizabeth Proctor isn't the least bit ashamed or embarrassed that her husband humiliated her and her family in front of an audience of millions today. In fact, she's "proud" of his behavior, because she's no better than he is, according to a post she made today:

Brian Higgins testified that his "best friend" Matt Kelsch is a federal digital forensic expert who showed him how to use federal resources to exclusively extract his messages with Karen Read before destroying his SIM card and tossing his phone. Kelsch testified at the Aaron Hernandez trial about how destroying a SIM card is an effective way of making sure investigators don't find deleted text messages: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-360-brian-higgins-best-friend-atf-forensic-expert-matt-kelsch-testified-in-aaron-hernandez-trial-about-destroying-sim-cards-to-hide-deleted-messages/

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