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In the last 24 hours Bukkake has harassed and intimidated women in Woburn and Walpole for sending perfectly legal messages to Jennifer McCabe and Lizzie Proctor over a year ago. They're not cops, they're secret service for the McAlberts. Criminals with guns and badges who deserve nothing but your disdain. If they ever come to your house make sure you film them, mock them, degrade them, and let them know how disgusted you are with the fact that they protect COP KILLERS! https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-375-trooper-bukkake-goes-to-woburn-and-walpole-to-harass-and-intimidate-women-who-messaged-jen-mccabe-and-elizabeth-proctor-last-year/

The only intimidation throughout this entire case has come from the McAlberts. The only person who threatened to kill anyone was a McCabe. Yet an anonymous juror coached by the Commonwealth is pretending that they are in physical danger of Turtleboy if their names are made public. Auntie Bev ruled on this motion in all of 5 minutes, but still hasn't responded to the after Davids from other jurors who insist the vote was 12-0 for acquittal. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-374-anonymous-juror-cites-fake-witness-intimidation-from-turtleboy-as-reason-juror-names-should-be-impounded/

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The anti-Karen Read Facebook group is filled with people who have ideas on how the Commonwealth can improve their case and convict Karen Read. You gotta read these comments to realize how stupid people have to be to actually believe Read is guilty. However, they are asking some good questions that I hope the Commonwealth tries to answer, because they're on their way to figuring out that they've been lied to this entire time: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-373-anti-karen-read-conspiracy-theorists-share-thoughts-on-how-commonwealth-can-do-better-in-retrial/

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