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A Wrentham Police Department report confirms that Canton PD Chief Helena Rafferty was driving a town owned vehicle for recreational purposes when she ran over an elderly man in a crosswalk who was wearing reflective gear and walking with a cane. The report redacts her address but doesn't redact the victim's. She made no mention of this since it happened 7 weeks ago. The Select Board had to have known since she was required to report it, and the town's insurance would've paid for the damages. The entire Board of Selectmen, including 2 who are running for re-election tomorrow, all supported Rafferty and voted against the audit of the Police Department. The corruption never ends in Canton. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-321-wrentham-police-report-shows-canton-police-chief-helena-rafferty-covered-up-hitting-elderly-man-in-crosswalk-while-driving-town-owned-vehicle/

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Bryan Kohberger true crime

The Commonwealth is alleging that I committed felony witness intimidation on the night of 12/23 at the FV’s house. It's time to tell the real story and bring ALL the receipts, which I did in this article. The Commonwealth alleges that I “told her in no uncertain terms that when she went to the grand jury, she was going to tell them that she knew nothing about the case.” They also claim that I “told her he wanted to delete data related to the Read case that was on her phone, and that I “threatened her in saying that if she didn’t cooperate, he would destroy her in front of her kids by publishing old probate court records that he had acquired.” All of this can be proven to be untrue simply by reviewing screenshots of our conversation from December 21-23. Some of these are embarrassing for me to share, as they are private in nature and never intended to be seen by a larger audience. I’m ashamed that I would ever associate with a person like Lindsey Gaetani. I wish she ...

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Five depraved Assumption University students were arraigned today after they tried to go viral on Tik Tok in a "to catch a predator" video. The problem is they conspired to lure an innocent man to campus to meet an 18 year old girl, but told everyone in the dorm the guy was there to bang an underage girl https://tbdailynews.com/assumption-university-students-attempt-to-go-tik-tok-viral-as-predator-poachers-ends-up-with-kidnapping-assault-conspiracy-charges-after-victim-is-lured-to-meet-18-year-old-on-campus/

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Only in Ware do you see a man get arrested for having sx with not one, but two family dogs, making his wife (who he's also charged with rping) watch him do it, and beating up his son who he makes eat out of a dog bowl. This guy is wood chipper material: https://tbdailynews.com/ware-man-arrested-for-forcing-wife-to-watch-him-have-sex-with-2-family-dogs-beating-up-son-he-made-eat-out-of-dog-bowl-raping-wife-while-unconscious/

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