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Hank Brennan claims to have found Chloe, but it appears as if the dog itself is not being produced. Sounds like we're about to get some "trust me bro" from the Commonwealth in order to prove that the dog bites on John O'Keefe's arms didn't come from Brian Albert's man eating dog: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-460-hank-brennan-claims-he-found-chloe-but-isnt-producing-the-dog-in-discovery/

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Jill Daniels was quietly charged and arraigned in Falmouth District Court last month for assaulting an elderly woman during the Shipwrecked riot she almost started a few weeks after she assaulted an award winning journalist getting a meal of food in Canton. Her and Nick ran up a bill of over $200 on booze alone. These people accuse Karen Read of being a bad drunk. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-459-jill-daniels-charged-in-falmouth-with-assaulting-elderly-woman-spent-hundreds-of-dollars-on-alcohol-fueled-bender/

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We are going to make history. State Rep Nicholas Boldyga saw what was happening to me, the Canton 9, the Bukkake Bunch, and Rich Schiffer, and decided to do something about it. In January he will be writing legislation to get rid of the witness intimidation statute and write a new one from scratch. If you don't understand how dangerous this law is, here's an explanation of all the ways the police can use it to violate your First Amendment rights:

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