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State Police assigned to the Norfolk DA's Office charged John Jeffries, the chair of the Dover Select Board, with 3 counts of witness intimidation and 2 gun charges in early October. Because of his recklessness 2 guns are now in the hands of unknown car thieves. He attempted to use his power to intimidate the Chief (who he hired) and 2 cops from charging him, so State Police charged him with 3 counts of witness intimidation. The charges were dropped less than a month later and the DA's Office is only saying that Jeffries "reached an agreement" with the Town of Dover, and it's in the "interest of justice" not to pursue charges. Can I reach an unspecified agreement with the Town of Holden to have my charges dropped? After all, my "crimes" mostly occurred in this town while I was doing my show and writing articles. How is it in the "pursuit of justice" to drop charges against Jeffries, but not me or the rubber ducky kingpin? Apparently rubber duckies are more dangerous than guns. This is ...

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For 2 years the Commonwealth stuck to the lie that Michael Proctor towed Karen Read's car at 5:30 because it would mean he couldn't plant tail light at 5:45. When they were caught with proof that the car was towed at 4:15 they called it a one time mistake and a "scrivener's error." Now for the first time we are seeing in a search warrant application for Read's phone that 5:30 was not a one time mistake. He wrote it 3 times, constituting a material misrepresentation to a judge in order to obtain a warrant:

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All I've heard from the McAlberts for the last 2 months is what a bad ass Hank Brennan is. But all I saw today was a pre-pubescent version for Adam Lally who admitted that he didn't watch the first trial, forgot to send out Rule 17 subpoenas, wants another crack at Dr. Russell, admitted that his new expert is a moron who doesn't know the difference between bits and bytes, and referred to the defense as "the government." Peggy O'Keefe thought it was all very funny though. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-341-hank-brennan-has-uninspiring-debut-at-karen-read-hearing-calls-defense-the-government-admits-he-didnt-watch-first-trial-forgets-to-send-out-subpoenas/

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