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Canton Cover-Up Part 28: Elizabeth Proctor Calls Workplaces Of People Who Comment Negatively About Her Corrupt Cop, Murderer Enabling Husband
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Bryan Kohberger true crime
Catch last night's Live Show if you missed it: Last episode of "Turtleboy Bad" podcast by M.William Phelps, Dr Russell back in court and Higgins on JKF show. Now up on Spotify too.
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Lavanta Wiggins got his job as an administrator at Pittsfield High School largely because he was a BLM leader, and they wanted DEI. The whole time he was a coke trafficker and he just got busted by the feds. He also makes really cringe Tik Toks with students: https://tbdailynews.com/pittsfield-high-school-dean-arrested-by-feds-for-trafficking-cocaine-is-a-blm-organizer-posts-tik-toks-with-students/

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If you missed it last night Brian Higgins broke his silence by pretending to be some sort of hoodlum named Kevin from Boston with a hybrid Boston/Alabama accent, who called into the JFK show and defended his own honor as a "decorated dude." Here's what that brief phone call tells us about him: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-456-brian-higgins-caught-pretending-to-be-kevin-in-boston-on-jfk-show-to-defend-his-honor-for-being-decorated-dude/

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