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Canton Cover-Up Part 25: Colin Albert Posted Videos Threatening To Knock Out Multiple People, A History Of How To Stay Protected In Canton
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This is Hank Brennan, a disgraced mob lawyer who grieved mass murderer Whitey Bulger at his funeral. The Commonwealth is so mad about the L they took in the last trial that they're likely going to pay him more than $1 million to prosecute Karen Read in trial 2. But it doesn't matter who they hire, because the facts and evidence show that she is innocent. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-405-michael-morrissey-had-to-hire-a-mob-lawyer-to-prosecute-karen-read-because-his-own-adas-are-too-incompetent/

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Karen Read Case: John Fanning was cleared in the internal affairs investigation by saying he never read Michael Proctor's inappropriate text messages because he was on vacation in North Carolina, where apparently they don't have cell phone service or wifi.

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Enrique Delgado-Garcia Case: If you're expecting the Worcester County DA's Office to give us any sort of answers about what happened to Enrique Delgado-Garcia then you've come to the wrong place

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