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Canton Police Chief Posts Condescending Press Release Smearing Accurate Reporting Of John O’Keefe’s Murder, Urges People To Stop Listening To Defense Attorneys
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Spanky Brennan's attempt to get privileged communications between Karen Read and her attorney David Yannetti is the latest sign of his serious mental decline. He has lost motion after motion in an attempt to prevent Karen Read from putting on a defense. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-495-hank-brennan-files-motion-for-david-yannettis-confidential-communications-with-karen-read-in-latest-insane-motion/

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A lot of people are confused how this happened yesterday, and what the ruling on Hank Brennan's motion for my phone data means. Here's an explanation: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-494-hank-brennan-loses-motion-for-access-to-turtleboys-complete-cell-phone-records/

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WCVB's interview with Courtney and Elizabeth Proctor is one of the most disgraceful attempts at journalism I have ever seen. @BienickWCVB's pathetic line of questioning showed the world why these two enabling frauds called them over every other news network: https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-493-wcvb-reporter-david-bienick-conducts-worst-interview-ever-with-elizabeth-and-courtney-proctor/

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